Shift Rug | Teal + Moss *NEW

Shift Rug | Teal + Moss *NEW


Bold combinations of wool blend yarns come together in thick, chunky cable-woven braids. Transitions between blocks of color are accented with playful, solid lines of color.  Naturally durable and completely customizable with any of our 32 colors. Shown here in an 8’ x 10’ size.


Price per square foot: $64

Material: Wool Blend

Construction: Cable Woven Braid

Lead Time: 6-8 weeks


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Aya Natural Rug Sample | dark grey

Relief Rug | Dark Grey + Natural *NEW Relief_Dk Grey + Natural_Detail3.jpg

Relief Rug | Dark Grey + Natural *NEW

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Woven Rug Sample | Light grey

Checkered Rug | Teal and Green CHECKERED RUG.jpeg

Checkered Rug | Teal and Green


Inlay Rug Sample | Rust & Mixed Grey
